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The bank accounts of beneficiaries can have different relevant fields depending on their country and currency.

Get Beneficiary Bank Account Fields can tell you which fields are relevant and that Create pay run will accept.

See below for the full description of each possible field.

Field NameDescriptionValidation Regex
ibanIBANDiffers by country, see the official specification
swiftBicSwift BIC (ISO 9632)^[A-Z]{6}[A-Z0-9]{2}(?:[A-Z0-9]{3})?$
gbSortCodeUK Sort Code^(?!\\d{6}$)(?:\\d{2}-?){2}\\d{2}$
gbAccountNumberUK Account Number^\d{8}$
auAccountNumberAustralian Account Number^[A-Z0-9]{5,20}$
auBsbAustralian BSB Number^\d{6}$
caAccountNumberCanadian Account Number^[A-Z0-9]{7,35}$
caInstitutionNumberCanadian Institution Number^\d{3}$
caTransitNumberCanadian Transit Number^\d{5}$
dkAccountNumberDanish Account Number^\d{4,10}$
dkBankCodeDanish Bank Code^d{4}$
hkAccountNumberHong Kong Account Number^\d{9,12}$
hkBankCodeHong Kong Bank Code^\d{3}$
idAccountNumberIndonesian Account Number^\d{5,16}$
inAccountNumberIndian Account Number^[A-Z0-9]{1,20}$
mxClabeMexican CLABE^\d{18}$
myAccountNumberMalaysian Account Number^\d{5,16}$
noAccountNumberNorweigian Account Number^\d{7}$
noBankCodeNorweigian Bank Code^\d{4}$
nzAccountNumberNew Zealand Account Number^\d{2}-?\d{4}-?\d{7}-?\d{2,3}$
phAccountNumberPhillipines Account Number^\d{1,17}$
seAccountNumberSwedish Account Number^\d{1,15}$
seBankCodeSwedish Bank Code^\d{4,5}$
sgAccountNumberSingapore Account Number^[A-Z0-9]{6,34}$
usAccountNumberUS Account Number^\d{4,17}$
usAchAbaUS ACH ABA^\d{9}$
usFedwireAbaUS Fedwire ABA^\d{9}$
xxAccountNumber *Country Account Number^[A-Z0-9]{1,22}$

*Other countries not listed above may also have an Account Number as a required field, if returned this will always take the form of [ISO-2 Country Code]AccountNumber e.g. bbAccountNumber may be returned for the input ?country=BB. Such account numbers will be validated the same way as xxAccountNumber above.